
Buku psikologi pendidikan muhibbin syah
Buku psikologi pendidikan muhibbin syah

Implementasi Manajemen Kurikulum Dalam Upaya Meningkatkan Mutu Santri Pondok Pesantren Hidayatullah/Panti Asuhan Anak Soleh Curup. Revitalization Management of Islamic Boarding School Preventing The Radicalism. Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia-Stategi perubahan dalam rangka meningkatkan kinerja pegawai dan organisasi.


Reseach In Organizational Behavior An Annual Series Of Analytical Essays And Critical Reviews.

buku psikologi pendidikan muhibbin syah

International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, 8(8). Headmaster’s Competency In Preparing Vocational School Students For Entrepreneurship. Ěpriana, D., Kristiawan, M., & Wardiah, D.

buku psikologi pendidikan muhibbin syah

International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, 7(7). The Influence of the Transformational Leadership and Work Motivation on Teachers Performance. Ěndriani, S., Kesumawati, N., & Kristiawan, M. Hubungan profesionalisme, motivasi dan Gaya kepemimpinan partisifatif terhadap produktivitas kerja dosen menggunakan Metode generalized structured component analysis. The implication is increasing lecturer competence, with maximum work participation and high job satisfaction, the higher the work productivity of lecturers. The conclusion of this study is the lecturer competence, work participation, and job satisfaction affect the work productivity of lecturers. The analysis shows that there are: 1) The direct effect of lecturer competence on lecturer work productivity with a path coefficient of 0.44 2) The direct effect of work participation on the work productivity of lecturers with a path coefficient of 0.47 3) Competence of lecturers and work participation simultaneously affect lecturer work productivity by 0.89 4) The direct effect of lecturer competence on job satisfaction with a path coefficient of 0.44 5) The direct effect of work participation on job satisfaction with a path coefficient of 0.47 6) lecturer competence and work participation simultaneously affect job satisfaction by 0.57 7) The direct effect of job satisfaction on lecturer work productivity with a path coefficient of 0.76 8) Lecturer competence, work participation, and job satisfaction simultaneously influence lecturer work productivity by 0.94 9) The indirect effect of lecturer competence on lecturer work productivity through job satisfaction is 0.11 10) The indirect effect of work participation on the work productivity of lecturers through job satisfaction is 0.12. Data were analysed by path analysis (path analysis) beginning with analysis prerequisite tests which include normality tests through the chi square formula, homogeneity tests through the Bartlett test, and linearity and significance tests of regression. Likert scale questionnaire was used as an instrument. The sample of this study was 94 people taken using total sampling techniques. The study population was all lecturers in the Islamic High School in three Islamic college at STAI SMQ Bangko, STAI Ma'arif Kota Jambi, and STAI An Nadwah. This research is a quantitative study with a survey method. Lecturer’s Competence, Work Participation, Job Satisfaction, Work Productivity

buku psikologi pendidikan muhibbin syah

The Influence Of Competence, Work Participation, And Job Satisfaction Of Lecturers Toward Work Productivity

Buku psikologi pendidikan muhibbin syah